door Felix Speulman | okt 25, 2023 | Tech Hero, Updates
Business mobility management provider XXImo aims to revolutionize flexible, sustainable, and borderless travel for employees across Europe. We have an extremely high ambition, says CTO Zaheer Sacranie, nominated for the Tech Hero Award. The company has to navigate the...
door ICTM_Admin | okt 23, 2023 | Tech Hero, Updates
FastID owns a biometric technology that makes identity verification fast and flawless and allows consumers to manage their digital identity decentrally. But explaining the technology and gaining trust takes time, says CIO Albert van Veen, nominated for the Tech Hero...
door Felix Speulman | okt 17, 2023 | Tech Hero, Updates is constantly finding new practical applications for the technology it develops. The big task is to deploy the solutions in such a way that they actually contribute to society, says CEO Jeroen van Glabbeek, who was recently nominated for the Tech Hero Award....