The CIO of The Year Award
The CIO of the Year Award gives recognition to the best-performing CIO of the year. The measured aspects entail IT performance, IT agility, and project performance/attractiveness. But not only the performance is essential. Like last year, the election will focus on leadership business and boardroom credibility.
Ing Yan Ong is CIO of the Year 2024.
The process
1. Pre-selection of pre-nominees.
The CIO of the Year Award is based on a thorough process. The criteria and the procedure have been developed over the past ten years together with CIO Platform Nederland (CIO platform of top 100 organisations in the Netherlands), CIO Magazine and Research organisations: The Boston Consulting Group and Squadra.
2. Validation
The top nominees are chosen by the jury based on the results of the web questionnaire that is be measured and ranked by the Boston Consulting Group. Personal validation checks are conducted by Squadra and Plan B.
3. Jury Selection
A final meeting with the nominees takes place in October. The jury (Rob Beijleveld) will also conduct the validation checks with CEO, CFO, and/or COO of each top nominee on all the results (survey, interview, and assessment). The CIO of the Year will be presented at CIODAY.
CIO of The Year Award Jury

Bernhard van Oranje
non executive boardmember and founder Levi9 and chairman Tech Hero Award

Martijn Koning
Chief Digital & Sustainability Officer - Autobinck Chairman CIO Platform Nederland

Berry Diepeveen
Managing Director and Senior Partner at Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

Rob Visser
NN Group CIO at NN & CIO of the Year 2022

Tjibbe van der Zeeuw
Co-founder Squadra Group

Rob Beijleveld
CEO - ICT Media, Host & Jury member CIO of the Year Award