door Felix Speulman | okt 10, 2023 | Updates
Things are going well again for Damen after several difficult years. The order book is well-filled, and the company is continuing its (digital) transformation and coming up with innovations. Chief Digital Officer Aart Rupert has his hands full and was recently...
door Felix Speulman | okt 6, 2023 | Updates
The Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KVK) has changed in recent years from a traditional executive body with a large IT organization to an agile data company, where most of the IT people are part of the business. These changes show the hand of seasoned CIO Pieter Halenbeek,...
door Felix Speulman | okt 4, 2023 | Updates
In a decade, Vandebron has grown from a renewable energy supplier to a player that guides consumers in the energy transition and electric driving and helps producers market their green energy efficiently and profitably through technology. Much of the technical and...